- ·上一篇:如何将Word文档设置成书籍折页
- ·下一篇:word正文尺寸如何设置
如何在Excel VBA 中读写word文档 步骤
1.如何在Excel VBA 中读写word文档 步骤
1.1 打开excel vba 界面
1.2 选中其中的一个Module
1.3 选择菜单, Tools --> References
在打开的对话框中选择类似 "Microsoft Word 14.0 Object Library".
1.4 点击OK保存配置。
2. 打开文档
Set wordApplication = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wordApplication.Visible = False
Dim hasOpenDoc As Boolean
hasOpenDoc = IsOpen(filePath) ' is a self-defined function to check file is opend
If hasOpenDoc = True then
Set wordDoc = GetObject(filePath)
End if
If hasOpenDoc = False Then
Set wordDoc = wordApplication.Documents.Open(filePath)
End if
With wordApplication
Dim aParagraph As Word.Paragraph
For Each aParagraph In wordDoc.Paragraphs
' do some thing to every paragraph.
Next aParagraph
End with
Set wordDoc = nothing
' 如下这段代码引用某位牛人的,非常感谢他。由于路径丢失,不能给出链接, 抱歉
' 如下的找寻方式,能够正确的找出文件是否被打开
Function IsOpen(fileName As String) As Boolean
IsOpen = False
Dim findFile As Integer
findFile = FreeFile()
On Error GoTo ErrOpen
Open fileName For Binary Lock Read Write As findFile
Close findFile
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 70 Then
Msg = "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & "was generated by " & Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description
MsgBox Msg, "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
IsOpen = True
End If
End Function
1、在Word中打开你需要处理的doc文档; 2、键入ALT+F11; 3、在出现的VBA窗口中,粘贴你下载的代码; 4、把键盘光标放到入口函数中任意一行代码上(如果你不知道是什么地方,可以把代码贴上来看看); 5、键入F5运行; 6、切换回doc文档窗口看效果。
补充: 哦,可能是因为你目前还没有任何宏所以才看到这样的灰色一片。 那就这样,现在左边的工程里面有个“Normal”吧?展开它后有个“模块”节点吧?在这个“模块”节点上点鼠标右键,选择“插入-模块”。
3.关于Word中 的VBA 编程
Sub Macro1()
Dim strText As String
strText = "建立反对撒客里空的龙卷风"
Selection.TypeText strText
Selection.MoveStart Unit:=wdLine, Count:=-1
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1 * (Len(Selection.Text) - 4)
Selection.MoveStart Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=3
Selection.Font.Bold = True
MsgBox Selection.Text
End Sub